Linkedin stock microsoft buying
Linkedin stock microsoft buying

May 9, 2016: Salesforce comes back with 171, half cash, half stock. In one of the most expensive tech deals in history, Microsoft Corporation and LinkedIn Corporation announced a definitive agreement which will see Microsoft. Though, with just over a year’s worth of tutelage under Microsoft, it might be too early to finalize the report card. May 6, 2016: LinkedIn says it will agree to exclusivity with whichever party agrees to 200 per share. For the three months ending in March, revenue from Linkedin grew 37% to $1.3 billion compared to a year earlier. The largest of the lot: the $28.1 billion purchase of LinkedIn in late 2016, which has recently delivered encouraging signs. Now, investors are still waiting to see how and if current CEO Satya Nadella’s big bet will pay off. Still, those acquisitions were notable, under the helm of previous CEO Steve Ballmer, who stepped down in early 2014. Similarly, Microsoft would write off its purchase of online ad firm aQuantive about five years after buying it.

linkedin stock microsoft buying

About two years later, the firm wrote off the deal and cut some 7,800 jobs, mostly in that segment.

linkedin stock microsoft buying


In a bid to develop a smartphone strategy at a time when Apple and Android products were galloping to the fore, Microsoft acquired the Nokia phone business in 2013 for an estimated $7.4 billion - though, that figure latter grew to $9.2 billion. Microsoft has in the past made big acquisitions that have ended in failure. Looking back on Microsoft’s acquisition history may also shed light as to why some developers are anxious over the purchase of GitHub.

Linkedin stock microsoft buying